“Beginning about a year ago, we got really intrigued by the politics of what is going on in this country, and we think there’s one group that really doesn’t get that much attention: It’s the lost political middle.”
Five Things I’ve Learned About America
- If you’ve ever lost faith in the American dream, spend some time with a foreign-born cabdriver. They are wide-eyed optimists.
“If you stick around long enough with them in the cab, they’ll literally pull over and show you pictures of their kids, It will give you a lot of faith about what’s right in America. And for those people, it was just a short cab ride to freedom and prosperity.”
- If you're feeling estranged you're not alone. There are a lot of political orphans out there.
“I got stopped in the grocery line of a cereal store picking a bag of granola up when someone tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Scott, I don’t understand: Today Republicans are running around the country taking middle-school books off the shelves. And the democrats, they’re trying to take the stove out of my kitchen.”
- Somewhere along the line, we lost civility.
“I don’t want to sound like I grew up at a prep school. But, at the end of the day, you’re supposed to acknowledge other people’s opinions…”
- Travel around the U.S by yourself. It makes you talk to strangers.
“That’s my secret: Ask people. Listen.”
- The media does not subscribe to ideological diversity.
“Only 7% of American journalists self-describe as republicans. To my friends who are newspaper and television editors out there: why don’t you hire a few republicans.”