“My name is Matthew Chamberlin. I live in North Carolina.…I’m the associate Dean for communications at a big university.”
Five Things I’ve Learned About America
- For better or worse, we’re a country that’s big on second chances.
“One of the things that makes me saddest – or most keeps me on guard, I guess – is the nonstop litany of what feels like negative news, whether it’s around the environment, whether it’s around the economy or the election, or you know what’s going on in Israel and Gaza, whatever. You know, choose your adventure.”
- The way we’ve walled ourselves off is an under-reported news story.
“If you limit your exposure to other people and to other things, your life slowly gets smaller and smaller. And your world gets smaller and smaller.”
- Often, you also have to listen to what’s not being said.
“People here don’t always get to the point. But it makes you have to be more sensitive, more open – You have to listen better!”
- We’re still very much a big melting pot. You just don't hear people talking about the melting pot like you used to when we were younger.
“When Obama became president, it opened up a lot of people’s eyes….I was Obama before Obama was Obama – but he gets all the credit.”
- With every generation, there’s so much new to be encouraged about – including this one.
“Seeing my own kids and the exposure that they’ve had to other cultures, to other people, to other ways of doing things: It makes me feel very positive about the future.”