“I’m Hal Harper. I’m a 75-year-old former 50-year carpenter, who ran for the legislature when I was in my early 20s. Served as a republican for a couple years. Served as a democrat for a number of years after that – and worked with people from three parties to try to help prepare the state of Montana for a future we knew was coming.”
Five Things I’ve Learned About America
- Every one of us is lucky to have this shot at human existence - especially we Americans. We need to regain a child’s wonder at it all.
“You get this chance in life – maybe you think you get a second chance or a third chance. Make the most of it.”
- Let's honor our flag for what it actually stands for.
“When I was traveling one of the happiest sights I ever saw would be the American flag at a U.S. embassy. I delighted in that flag…”
- The NFL changed football kickoff rules to lessen head injuries. Could we American voters do the same to lessen political head-blows?
“How do we restore sanity to the legislative process? How do we restore sanity to the American public?”
- We must act now – and encourage our young people to act now – to save Montana’s and America’s wild areas.
“Wild areas are what’s left of God’s sanctuary. These are the areas that connect human beings to the natural earth.”
- My father and mother's fundamental belief becomes truer and clearer every year - What else can save this planet?
“My father was a preacher. He was a Protestant Preacher…..”