View the archive of my 90-minute class and discover the Five Things I’ve Learned about the ways in which new places and experiences teach us that the person we are at home isn’t the only being we can, or should, be.

I started traveling at the age of four months when my guidebook writing parents took me to Europe while they updated that year’s edition of Europe on $5 a Day.

I haven’t slowed down since, and have been blessed to make a life of sharing my experiences and love of travel with others in our family business. I’ve written and edited best-selling books, written thousands of articles, and appeared on countless radio and TV broadcasts. My podcast “The Frommer’s Travel Show” was recently named one of the 13 best for travel by the New York Times.

What have I learned most from a lifetime of new places and experiences?

When we travel, we not only discover the world, but we reintroduce ourselves to ourselves. We learn that the person we are at home isn’t the only being we can, or should, be. With each mile we traverse, we have the opportunity to grow, to change, to deepen.

But to have these types of revelatory experiences on the road, we need to travel to the types of places that will spark our imaginations, and we need to do so in a way that will open us up to the world. On a practical note, we need to keep our costs in line, so that financial concerns don’t undermine the joy of exploration.

Please join me for my upcoming class, Five Things I’ve Learned about the Power of a Life-Changing Vacation, and I’ll share with you what I believe to be the most essential conclusions from my own lifetime of travel:

  • Five destinations you may not have considered, but that can be the basis for life changing vacations.
  • Five great thinkers who hit the road, and what they took away from the experience.
  • Five types of travel that can introduce you to wonderful people, help you travel more sustainably, and add meaning to your journeying.
  • Some top travel trends, new tools for travel planning and booking, and the mind games the travel industry plays (and how not to get suckered in).

I also hope that you’ll pepper me with specific questions about your upcoming travel plans in the course of our 90 minutes together, so that we can put into practice some of the strategies I’ll cover. When we’re done,  I think you’ll have the tools to craft trips that are cost effective and, more importantly, meaningful adventures.

See you soon!

– Pauline Frommer