View the archive of my 90-minute class and discover the Five Things I’ve Learned about the good, beautiful, weirdly-efficient blur that can streamline your life and transform your writing.
I’m a novelist who has published over twenty books. I also run a film and television production company that currently has over twenty projects in development. Throughout my career, I’ve also been a professor in creative writing programs, as well as a film school, and the sole breadwinner for a family of six. (In fairness, we are currently trying to kick some of our children, the ones now in their 20s, off of our phone plan so, you know, I’m not currently supporting them all. That said, I’m pretty sure phone plans are for life.)
Regardless, I have a lot to say—not about work life balance but about life work blur. A good, beautiful, weirdly efficient blur that has made me streamline and obsess and mine my life in ways that, seriously, made me write more than I would have on a timeline where I’m a trust-fund baby with butlers. I truly believe that my process is a portable and flexible process in large part because it had to be.
I hope you’ll join me and Steve Almond for our upcoming conversation, Five Things I’ve Learned about Family, Writing, and the Work/Life Blur. I think about and give talks about process an awful lot, and I’m going share with Steve the ways I’ve built a writing practice filled with little maneuvers — and a few big ones.
Together, we’ll wonder at the beauty of my favorite quote on the topic. Kafka once wrote, “Time is short, my strength is limited, the office is a horror, the apartment is noisy, and if a pleasant, straightforward life is not possible, then one must try to wriggle through by subtle maneuvers.”
Then, we’ll talk at length about the Five Things I’ve Learned that have made a big difference for me – strategies that I hope will prove equally transformative for you.
Join us as together we share strategies for:
- How to write when you’ve got no time to write.
- How to make sure you never have to face a blank page.
- How to take down the boundaries between a writer’s work and their life and live as a writer.
- How to get to know your process and put it to work for you.
- How to be agile and experimental with your process so it’s sustainable, built for the long haul.
I hope to see you there!